Mission and Philosophy

About Garden Dreams

50 historic parks and gardens are among the Garden Dreams in Saxony-Anhalt. These are just a representative sample of the more than 1,000 gardens in the state, chosen because they

  • reflect the history of garden design in Saxony-Anhalt from the Baroque to the present
  • present various types of gardens: monastery gardens, botanical gardens, palace parks, and many more
  • are attractive tourist destinations in Saxony-Anhalt.

The Garden Dreams Mission:

  • restore and maintain historic gardens,
  • improve their attractiveness to tourists and the economic sustainability of the parks
  • develop and expand "Garden Dreams" as a key tourism brand for Saxony-Anhalt
  • provide information about garden design and the preservation of historic gardens
  • strengthen lobbying for parks and gardens to ensure their survival for future generations


Garden Dreams...

... secure public interest in the future of 50 historic parks and gardens in Saxony-Anhalt

... anchor the principles of conservation in the minds and hearts of the people

... have fun in the gardens with festivals, concerts, and tours.

... show the diverse cultural heritage of gardening, both artificial and natural, old and new

... connect historic preservation, architecture, garden design, and horticulture, industry and tourism, politics and education, in an open, purposeful, flexible, and transparent manner.

... embrace commonalities with maximum freedom; be an association where each member makes a unique contribution.

... target different groups, be vibrant and relaxing, loud and quiet.

... support local economies as important factor for cities and regions to invigorate the tourism, education, culture, event management, and landscaping sectors.

... be a role model for networking, image, and lifestyle, a tourism brand, and a key economic factor.


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