For the Love of Gardens: Parks and Gardens Day

The nationwide campaign " For the Love of Gardens: Parks and Gardens Day" has been held since 2008 on the initiative of Garden Network Germany eV, an association of regional garden initiatives in Germany. The weekend is designed to attract guests young and old, locals and tourists enthusiastic about historic and contemporary horticulture and the preservation and maintenance of Germany’s parks and gardens.

With park tours, concerts, readings, theatre performances, picnics, and hands-on activities, the Garden Dreams parks in the state of Saxony-Anhalt participate each year in this nationwide celebration.

The next day of Parks and Gardens will take place on 9–11 October 2020.

"For the Love of Gardens - Parks and Gardens Days" is a joint initiative of the German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture (DGGL e.V.), the French Ministry of Culture, the Institut français Germany and the German National Committee for Monument Protection (DNK) with Minister of State Dr. Monika Grütters as patron.

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