The Garden Dreams Association

An association with energy to make dreams come true

The charitable association "Garden Dreams – Historic Parks in Saxony-Anhalt" organises and coordinates the implementation, development, and long-term preservation of the state’s Garden Dreams initiative.

Its activities include holding professional and cultural events, press and public relations work, lobbying, quality assurance, and networking.

Historically appropriate conservation and tourism marketing are at the centre of its activities.

Members and funding opportunities

Garden Dreams has both ordinary and supporting members.

Ordinary members are primarily the legal entities or bodies that own and fund the 50 gardens in the Garden Dreams network.

Supporting members are those attracted to the objectives and activities of the association, who want to get involved and promote the activities of the association with word and deed.

The association is open to all!

An application form for supporting membership can be found here: Application form

The annual standard contribution for supporting members is

        €120.00 for individuals and clubs
        €60.00 for students and apprentices
        €1,000.00 for companies and enterprises

Only with your commitment can "the tree planted in 1999 continue to flower and bear fruit".

You can support the work of the association with a donation. The donations can be designated for a certain park, individual projects, or for the entire network. All is spent to benefit the parks and garden.

Donation account:
Gartenträume e. V.
Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg
IBAN: DE46 8105 3272 0035 0081 51

Gartenträume – Historische Parks in Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.
Felicitas Remmert
Tessenowstr. 3, 39114 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 – 59 34 254

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